Setup a Hetzner VM using Terraform
2025-01-09 08:30-09:55
- Morning tasks all done! Ready to start the day!
- Only late by 30m today! Not bad!
- Reflection: The morning feels too rushed. Remember to plan for French in the eve tomorrow. Not the morn.
- learnt how to exclude directories when searching with ripgrep.
rg "my-search-pattern -g "dir-to-exclude"
or in case of multiple directories,rg "my-search-pattern" -g {dir1, dir2, dir3, ... etc.}
- rapid reading cloudinit docs
- doing the tutorial at https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/qemu.html
- the more I read about cloud-init, the more it feels like pxe/tftp rendered for modern times and modern machines.
- current mental model: it’s basically my bridge between getting a machine from the cloud, then customising it to my needs and then using modules and/or my custom scripts to go back to the cloud to setup applications/services
- done reading the explanations on the cloud-init site. Know enough to now try stuff and be dangerous 😂
2025-01-09 10:10-11:30
- Client Meeting
2025-01-09 11:30
- Shutting down notes and the computer. Be back Monday probably.
- Something personal has come up
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