I’ve been living a little dangerously when posting stuff on the blog.
While it’s true that I compose my posts locally on my desktop, with a locally installed Hugo, I always catch a ton of things that I miss, after I publish a post. Nearly every single time.
So the process then becomes …
Open the post on the server in Emacs (after logging in, via ssh) Make an edit. Build and publish. Reload the page and re-read the post. Find a typo. Fix it. Repeat steps 3 & 4. Keep the Emacs pane to keep editing and open another terminal pane, just to build and deploy. Twenty three edits later … Be ok with what I have. (with a build and deploy, and reload and reread every couple of edits) Do a final build and deploy Having done this, for God knows how long now, I’m used to this workflow and decided to just lean into it.
But while I loved my edit, build, deploy, reload, reread, workflow, I felt like I was tempting the fates, everytime I did it. Besides I did not like messing with the live website like that.