Work Edition

This post was first sent to my newsletter on May 21st, 2021. You really ought to subscribe :) Welcome to another edition of the work letter :) Let’s just dive into it. Click the headers to wander off to the original articles. OS X Reviewed Sometime earlier this year, the operating system known as Mac OS X aka OS X aka macOS, stepped into its 21st year of existence, marking two decades of steady iterative movement. That its underpinnings are older, by at least another decade, is story for some other time. I put this in here, not for the OS itself but for the reviews of the OS, by John Siracusa. From it’s fledgling days, through the first ten releases upto 10.10, John covered it all. In painstaking detail. Other folks wrote reviews. John wrote introductory books to each new OS. Every other line was linked someplace I could learn more. It meant that everytime, I sat to read and learn from a John Siracusa review, I would have to set aside a couple of days to finish it. ...

May 28, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Completing #CNC2021

And just like that, I’m done with #CNC2021 I started this journey, on April 20th, with the hope that I would write a lot more code. I was getting discouraged because to my mind, I was not getting much done. I volunteered for the Code More challenge, in the hope that I could make some progress Background Like I mentioned in the Code Newbie Welcome Thread, I am looking to change careers and get a job as a web developer. Which means I have a lot to learn, in a hurry. So I’ll need all the help, I can get. ...

May 24, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 08

And just like that, this little journey ends. What did I do/learn today? Today was all about deployments. Learnt how to use gunicorn along with nginx to deploy my website. Learnt how to hide my secrets outside my code. My first Django site is live! A few reflections. The project was both harder than I thought it would be, and took less time than I thought it would. I know Django now, but I definitely don’t “know” Django. This was an excellent introduction to the world of webdevelopment for me and has only whet my taste for more. I realised that I need to skill up my HTML / CSS. That is where I turn to next. All the art and the layout were already done for me in this project. I want to do those too. I need to do these study projects slower and keep aside sometime for play projects too. This is something I will definitely do next week onwards.

April 30, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

NeXTSTEP, Shopify and Bash History

This post was first sent to my newsletter on April 23rd, 2021. You really ought to subscribe :) Welcome to a tech edition of the letter. I’m trying something new with this now, since I am in that strange valley, where I don’t know enough about programming to write opinions of my own and yet I need to talk to my techie friends. So, taking a leaf out of Kushal’s newsletter, I will share stuff that I come across as I read. And reading and jabbering about tech is something I can do. And the stuff I share will definitely be the best links and articles I find from the wide variety of sites I read. At most three a letter; I don’t want to overwhelm you :) So, like Kushal, but not as niche as him. Definitely not wide ranging either. Let’s see :) Also, please let me know how you like it :) Here we go … ...

April 30, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 07

Today was a little easier. What did I do/learn today? Today was about doing contacts in the app that we are building. Registering visitors and stuff The basic flow was generating another app and doing views and models and wiring them up to pages So this felt like revision of all that I’d learnt over the past few days. Stuff makes some more sense now. I think I will be done in a day or two, but I know I have only scratched the surface of Django. I will need to build a lot more projects to gain fluency. That’ll be the plan in the coming weeks and months

April 29, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Jason Learns Django - 06

Hard day again. I just cannot seem to focus and learn. It takes slogging and rewatching and retyping and oh, I missed a colon there. Do it again. And again. And again. And that is the only way, I seem to make any progress. Well, the learning at speed does not quite seem to be in my hands (or my brain 😂) What is in my control, and the best I can do, is to show up every day. ...

April 28, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza