All the Stuff I Wanted to Share in 2022

I’ve been in this rut all year, and I don’t know how to get out of it. So I’m declaring thought / newsletter bankruptcy. I don’t know how to share what I collected, so I’ll just put a set of links down here to all of them. This is all the work/tech stuff. And this is all the other, personal / life stuff! Enjoy! Hopefully, clearing my mind should get me going, get me writing, even if in a small but consistent way. ...

June 11, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Old Tech/Work Links of Interest 2022

All the stuff, I’ve been hoarding over the past year for the newsletter. Seth Godin on the ethical use of our newly gained technological capabilities No wonder we’re a bit dizzy. We just multiplied our minds by many orders of magnitude. It’s easy to confuse someone else’s memory (or manipulation) with our hard-earned ability to remember things that actually happened to us. ...

June 11, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Updated Poemfeed

Update: fixed Github link The little script I wrote in 2020, to get me my daily poetry fix, died a couple of months ago. Life got in the way of me, figuring out what was wrong. I finally got around to it today. A little bit of peeking under the hood revealed that Cloudflare did not like me using the Python Requests library to check the Poetry Foundation page. Or maybe it just did not like the useragent string that Requests gave it. I was in no mood to go down that rabbit hole, so I just went looking for modern alternatives to Requests. Found HTTPX.1 and switched over to it.2 And then while I was at it, replaced PyRSS2Gen with FeedGenerator. ...

May 27, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

All About the Move to Hugo

I finally got done, moving the blog from Nikola to Hugo today. I already wrote about why I did it. These are a few more thoughts about what went into the endeavour; and some colophonesque details. One, really small hope, is that it will help me learn Go. The DevOps world that I now seek to enter, speaks Go. I also, now run two Go programs that are indispensible to me, Hugo and Miniflux. And being the control freak, that I am, I’d love to tweak them to just how I like it. Nikola did help learn me Python, after all. ...

May 13, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Begin Again

Moved over from Nikola, to Hugo today. In two minds about what to do with all the old posts. Do I just shed them all, like I’ve done in the past? Or work to move them over? Maybe, tomorrow’ll bring clarity. In the meanwhile, this is a house under construction, y’all! Stuff does not work, stuff looks wonky, and stuff both, looks wonky and doesn’t work. I’ll be at it, on and off, over the next few weeks, trying to make this home. ...

May 6, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

I Have Now Begun Learning Go!

That’s just it for now :) Am learning Go!

April 20, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza