Ticking Off Checkboxes With the Mouse in Org Mode

While I mostly use the keyboard when doing everything Org related, there are a few times in the day, when I cannot. These are mostly mornings and evenings when I bustle about home, doing this thing and that. Things that are part of my routine. Things that are checkboxes in my routine.org file. It helps me get through the day without thinking of whether, I gave the better half her meds or whether I remembered to call my mum or if I drank enough water by the end of the day or whether my stretches for the day are done or if the plan for the next day is made. ...

October 7, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Noah’s in Emacs!

I wrote the other day, about switching to Noah Webster’s dictionary everywhere, I possibly could. Now I did that after reading this lovely James Somers post. And that post seems to be resounding through the web, with folks integrating it into their workflows in different ways. So I was really happy when I read Jon Snader’s post telling me I could have my beloved Webster’s dictionary in Emacs! This sounded too good to be true! I didn’t believe it! Because why would I believe some old, wise wizard who’s only been writing about Emacs on a near daily basis for close to fourteen years?! I had to try this out myself! So I whip out ye, old, trusty scratch buffer, type crap into it and select it.1 And then I fire up M-x dictionary-search, like Snader tells me to This is the moment of poop … err truth! I hit return and … How now brown cow?! It actually works! ...

October 6, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Restart Emacs on System Startup

This post was originaly published on 2022-09-27. Updated 2022-09-28, to include the improved script. It’s been a year, since I figured out the hack that finally let me use my Compose key in Emacs.1 Without it, I am unable to type any kind of quotation marks or umlauts in emacs. A year in, and I’m tired of restarting the service everytime the machine comes on. The computer can do that for me. ...

September 28, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza


As is our wont, we spent the day gallivanting in a jungle and having an accident. And then crying for a while and then laughing about what a story it would be for the rest of our lives. Much like our marriage. We make the best stories, don’t we? And I am who I am, because of you. Eleven years, and it still feels like only yesterday. 1 I love you. ...

September 27, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Blocks in Org Mode

I remember, when I first learned it, the Org Manual mentioning I could have code, quotes, poetry and sundry self structured blocks of text, where the text in that block would flow like I wanted it to. I could have indentation or line breaks as I pleased. And then I promptly forgot about it. The only thing I did remember were code blocks. And that I needed to do a #+begin_src and then a #+end_src and put my code in the middle. And all this while, I would keep typing it in, by hand. ...

September 27, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Links to Writing of Interest

Been meaning to write up a short note to some of my writing to point folks to. So here goes. This serves as a mélange of the things I write and interest me. I’ve coauthored a book on linux, Linux for You and Me Related HN discussion My blog at Janusworx Learning about Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection in Django Models in Django (and heuristics for creating optimal models) Python Advanced Objects Iterators and Generators in Python Python Comprehensions Miniflux Fails to Start at Boot I have written long form articles, to serve as teaching material for Linux Users’ Group of Durgapur Blogging IRC on the Web P.S. Subscribe to my mailing list! Forward these posts and letters to your friends and get them to subscribe! P.P.S. Feed my insatiable reading habit. ...

September 25, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza