Old Links of Interest 2022

All the stuff, I’ve been hoarding over the past year for the newsletter. Ryan Holiday’s 100 (Short) Rules for a Better Life 4 - Say no (a lot). 15 - It’s not about routine but about practices. 71 - Go the f*ck to sleep. 81 - Don’t just read books, re-read books. ...

June 11, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

All About the Move to Hugo

I finally got done, moving the blog from Nikola to Hugo today. I already wrote about why I did it. These are a few more thoughts about what went into the endeavour; and some colophonesque details. One, really small hope, is that it will help me learn Go. The DevOps world that I now seek to enter, speaks Go. I also, now run two Go programs that are indispensible to me, Hugo and Miniflux. And being the control freak, that I am, I’d love to tweak them to just how I like it. Nikola did help learn me Python, after all. ...

May 13, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

Begin Again

Moved over from Nikola, to Hugo today. In two minds about what to do with all the old posts. Do I just shed them all, like I’ve done in the past? Or work to move them over? Maybe, tomorrow’ll bring clarity. In the meanwhile, this is a house under construction, y’all! Stuff does not work, stuff looks wonky, and stuff both, looks wonky and doesn’t work. I’ll be at it, on and off, over the next few weeks, trying to make this home. ...

May 6, 2022 · Mario Jason Braganza

On Reading

This post was first sent to my newsletter on December 19th, 2021. You really ought to subscribe :) image, courtesy The Toymaker’s Journal Lots of links in this letter, because there won’t be a work letter later, this month :) This one is all about, drum roll … Reading :) ...

December 26, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza

Getting Rid of Codliver Oil Burps

Don’t quite know when it began, but probably a sign of getting old 😂 I get nasty burps every time I take my codliver oil capsules now. Solution1 Buy capsules with what they call, an enteric coating on them. (Expensive! Not for me!) or Put your existing bottle in the freezer and pop one an hour before lunch. The combination of cold capsule ingestion, followed by its smothering by food an hour later, has fixed the burps for me! Not a doctor. This ain’t medical advice. Try at your own risk! ↩︎ ...

December 8, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza


It’s way past our anniversary on the 10th of September. But that day was filled with togetherness. And the days before and after were filled with all sorts of madness, both personal and professional. Dear Abby, it’s been a decade. And it’s flown by us like a quarrel of sparrows. Here now, and vanished in the next instant. And yet when I look back on it, we’ve been through so much. ...

November 22, 2021 · Mario Jason Braganza