I started playing with a way to control Git via Python.
Kushal had asked me to write a program, that would show me the local git branches.
So here it is!
I call it Git the Branch. (painfully, punny, I know :))

And now I realise why he asked me to do this.
The program itself is trivial.
Here’s the code on my code repo, Gitlab, and Github.
It just consists of me using GitPython to access the current folder via a GitPython Repo object.
And then querying it for its branches.

The important work was done yesterday, when I pored over the documentation and figured out how GitPython actually works.
And I realised that is what Kushal wanted me to do.
Read something and figure out how I could adapt it to my situation.

The other thing I realised, was licensing.
I want my programs to be used, played with and adapted.
So it makes sense for me, to make it as easy to use as possible.
This is why I have decided, that until circumstances dictate otherwise, I shall use the MIT License.
This led me to check if I could then actually license my software as such, if the software that I depend on (in this case GitPython) have different licenses.
My arbitrary and random research suggests that I can do so.
If I learn otherwise, I shall think about what to do next.
If you have anything to suggest, please let me know, by mailing me at jason at this domain.

One other (painful) thing, that I realised is that I cannot focus at all when I am writing code.
This post has come out in a blur of focussed writing.
My academic studies are also something that I can focus for hours on.
Apparently that focus does not translate to programming.
I need to build up this skill for this domain seperately.
Hopefully, this will come with showing up daily.

This was fun to do.
Here’s to writing my way to fluency.

P.S. Subscribe to my mailing list!
P.P.S. Feed my insatiable reading habit.
P.P.P.S. Update, 7pm the same day, The answer to focus, lies in this serendipitous Seth post

A third might be, just for an hour, to turn it off.
All of it.
To sit alone and create the new thing, the thing worth seeking out, the thing that will cause a positive change.

I love it when the universe speaks to me :)