Started to very slowly do the Mega Flask Tutorial.
This real world project-cum-tutorial, should let me learn more real-world-esque Python and expand beyond the tiny vocabulary, I have.

Setup my environment today and created a baby flask app.
Even that had something to teach me.
I could not quite wrap my head around decorators, the first time I read about them and this tiny app uses routes in the form of decorators.
Which meant, I had to go read about them and understand them first.

Routes are paths.
And decorators are something (a function/class) that take your existing code and enclose it, whilst giving it extra functionality.

In my case, my code just printed a line.
And the route decorators, in my case, took that code and assigned it to a web page of my choosing.
Right now the home page is assigned to that line.
And if I choose to, I could assign any other url to that same line.
This was hard, but fun.

Looking to do more of this slow steady work over the coming weeks.