How do I begin this post?

By simply beginning :) Again!

This probably is the fourth (or is it fifth) time, I’ll be attempting to learn how to program.
And probably the same number of attempts at #100DaysOfCode.
I did 47 days last time and 37 days before that.

I will try my utmost to go the distance this time.
Because even if I didn’t complete a full run, I still learnt tonnes from all my previous efforts.
I do have a beginner’s grasp of Python.
And I hope get even better, much better, this time.

What am I going to do?
Well, I want to do Miguel Grinberg’s Flask Course, but as I stumbled through it the last time, and when I read other folks’ code, I realised that I need to get much better at understanding Object Oriented Programming.

So that’ll be the focus now.
And Reuven Lerner’s OOP Course is what is going to help me.

So here I set sail again …
Now, bring me that horizon!