I want to slowly increase my French vocabulary, so I got this comprehensive frequency word deck from Shared Decks section of the Anki website.

I keep forgetting to look it up during the day, after my morning session and the only way I can get those stubborn words1 to stick in my mind, is if I keep doing the deck 4–5 times a day.

I know! With all my newfound devops/python skills, could I figure out a way to remind myself to do it? Turns out I can! :)

I already use Pushover, to get notified of darn near anything.2
And I read enough of Anki’s add-on documentation to know I could whip something up.
So a bit of searching on the net, a bit of jiggery pokery with Claude, and some spelunking through Anki’s source code and forums later, I present to you … anki-push-u!3

As long as your Anki’s running, this little add-on will find cards due, at the interval you tell it to, and then notify you wherever you have Pushover running!
No more forgetting due cards!

A screenshot of Pushover notifications on two devices

Find the add-on and instructions over at Github.

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  1. I’m looking at you, ailleurs ↩︎

  2. Hugo updates on three machines, calibre updates on two machines, podcast downloads and quite a bit else ↩︎

  3. It pushes you to do your due cards! Tada! ↩︎